
plastic water bottles with the caps screwed on

What’s in Your Bottled Water?

Bottled water is a popular purchase. Around 41 billion gallons of bottled water are consumed every year. When you buy a bottle of water, you probably believe you’re getting the pure, crisp and clean water the label promises. But what

plastic water bottles that have not left the factory yet

The Costs of Bottled Water

How much is bottle water costing you? Forget the trendy packaging with its promises of purity and visually pleasing places of origin and look inside at what you’re drinking. Is the water you’re paying for at the store worth the

reusable water bottle filled up with clear purified water

Add a Water Bottle to Your Back-to-School List

Keep your student hydrated this year. Back to school is on a lot of families’ minds this week, with good reason. Setting your child up for success in the classroom is of great importance. Likewise, water is always top of

lady drinking from a glass of water

Top Five Ways to Drink More Water

You see a lot of lists on the Web with helpful, everyday hints to drink more water. Most of them are full of great advice, so you really can’t go wrong. But here are the Kinetico San Antonio top five ways

child drinking from a glass of water

Drinking Water Systems for Your Home

Here at Kinetico San Antonio, we offer more than just water softeners. We also offer drinking water systems for your home that deliver cleaner, crystal-clear water with a faster flow from the faucet than other systems. At last you could