
reverse osmosis san antonio, drinking water, purified water

Benefits Of Drinking Reverse Osmosis Water 

Picture this scenario: it’s a blazing hot afternoon, and you’re terribly thirsty as you putter about in your backyard. Your mind wanders as the sun beats down on you, visions of a tall glass of ice water float around in

white water softener on a green background

How Does Reverse Osmosis Work?

You may have heard the term reverse osmosis when researching water filtration systems for your home, but you may be unclear on the specific features and benefits of a reverse osmosis system. Making a choice about the best system for

bubbling water that is crystal clear and blue

How to Maintain Your Reverse Osmosis System

Reverse osmosis systems ensure your drinking water is clean and free of any harmful chemicals. Like any other appliance, it’s essential to maintain a reverse osmosis system to keep it operational. These systems are easy to maintain, and with Kinetico,

woman water her garden using a watering pail

Reverse Osmosis Water For Your Garden

Maintaining a garden that flourishes seasonally isn’t easy. Although nature does a lot of the job for you, your garden needs your tender love and care on a daily basis. The rule of thumb for watering your garden is to

child drinking water by cupping it in her hands

Is Fluoride Bad for You?

If you’re like me and you hear the word fluoride, you think of toothpaste. In good, “dentist-approved” toothpaste, fluoride has been added to strengthen enamel and protect teeth from demineralization caused by acids in the food we eat. However, when

glass of water filled up

How to Drink More Water

It’s safe to say just about everyone knows you need water to survive. Water can help you lose weight and make it easier to exercise and sleep. It also helps your skin and helps your body flush out those nasty

plactic water bottle that has a tape measure wrapped around it

How Much Water Should You Drink?

This past winter in San Antonio was incredibly mild. But it’s a safe bet that the summer temperatures won’t follow suit. It’s lining up to be a hot one – even hotter than normal according to some predictions. That means