
bubbling water that is crystal clear and blue

4 Ways Soft Water Can Save You Money

Did you know hard water could be the reason for your high household bills? Water hardness refers to the amount of calcium and magnesium in your water – and it includes sedimentary rocks and runoff from soils. A water softener

hard water build up on a old shower head

Hard Water vs Soft Water

Water plays a part in our daily lives as we clean dishes, wash clothes, take showers or grab a glass to quench our thirst. For the amount that we use it, it should be safe and viable for our household.

the affects hard water has on your hair

Dry Hair and Hard Water

Are you struggling with dry, brittle hair? You’ve tried new shampoo and conditioners, added special hair treatments to your schedule, changed your diet and you even reduced the time and temperature of your shower. You have scheduled your days around

Bottled water vs filtered water Kinetico

Drinking Water: Bottled Water or Filtered Water?

When most people want a drink of water, they reach for a bottle rather than taking advantage of the faucet. We often choose bottled water for convenience and quality, but there’s a better way to easily get pure, quality water.

chlorine test strip being used in a san antonio pool

Chlorine In Your Water Supply Can Cause Problems

Water companies use disinfectants, like chlorine and chloroform, to filter and remove harmful bacteria in your drinking water. It’s advocated as a cost-efficient way to decontaminate and keep your household safe. While this holds truth, chlorine does not come with

water flowing from a kitchen sink faucet

Is Tap Water Safe to Drink?

It’s not uncommon for some people to have a bit of apprehension when it comes to drinking water straight from the tap. With cities like Flint, Michigan’s water being completely undrinkable, it makes sense you want to make sure the

50 years of kinetico water

Kinetico Turns 50

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Information: Chris Knippa (210) 656-7873 [email protected] San Antonio, TX — Kinetico Incorporated came into existence 50 years ago when its two founders, Bill Prior and Jim Kewley, were asked to design a better water softener valve.

hard water stains on a glass

4 Tips for Dealing with Hard Water

If you’ve ever noticed pesky, white spots on dishes or an excess amount of buildup around faucets, it’s most likely because you have hard water. This is a problem that millions of people deal with because they live in high

kinetico water softener installed in the country for a farm

Should I Use a Water Softener for my Well?

Groundwater is an energy-efficient, renewable resource that provides water to many homes using a municipal water system – or a well. The further you live in the country, the more likely the water in your home is provided through a