How To Choose A Water Softener?
The majority of homes in San Antonio and the Hill Country have exceptionally hard water, which can cause damage to your appliances and pipes – and irritation to your skin. A whole house water softener not only alleviates the problems caused by hard water but puts money back in your pocket.
Before deciding which home water system is best for your family, it’s a good idea to find out exactly what’s in your home’s water. Kinetico San Antonio will provide you with a free, in-home water test. During our free assessment, we not only test the quality of your water, but we’ll give you a free estimate on what it would cost to have a water softener installed.
Things To Consider About A Water Softener
Choosing a water softener isn’t a one-size-fits-all decision. Besides knowing what specific minerals are in your water, water consumption varies between households. One person living in a home uses much less water than a four-person household. One of the first things your Kinetico specialist will work with you on is figuring out the size of the system you need.
To get a ballpark figure, take a look at your water bill to see usage for a normal month. Then divide the number by how many days are in the month to see the average, daily usage. If you can’t find that information, use the equation below to get an idea of how much water your household uses.
Equation: Number of people in household x 80 gallons per day.
(80 is the average number of gallons one person uses per day. Depending on your lifestyle, the number may be slightly higher or lower.)
Benefits Of Kinetico Services
If you know you have serious issues with hard water, like limescale buildup, sediment in your hot water heater and cloudy spots on clean glasses, choosing a water softener will depend more on what’s in your water. That’s another area where your Kinetico specialist will help.
Although you can buy water test kits from a local hardware store, calling one of our Kinetico professionals will give you peace of mind the tests are being read correctly – and the best water softener is being chosen for your needs.
Wondering About Well Water
If you use a well for your water system, chances are you have hard water. Well water is essentially rainwater that has filtered through the ground into your well. During its journey to your well, minerals are picked up and absorbed along the way, especially here in the San Antonio area. Many homeowners who live on well water experience the effects of hard water in their space.
With a Kinetico water softener system, you can transform your home’s water from hard and unhealthy to soft and pure. Enjoy longer-lasting appliances, softer skin and hair and brighter laundry with one of our softening systems. Contact us today for a free water test and estimate, so you love your water from Kinetico.
Make The Right Choice With Our Team
With help from the team at Kinetico, our technicians can install and maintain the right water softener for your home. We’re here to walk you through your options and answer your questions along the way. From a single-family household to a large family abode and any arrangement in between, there’s a water softener for you. When you’re ready to enjoy unlimited access to soft water in your San Antonio home, don’t delay. Reach out to Kinetico SA today!