Water Softener News
At Kinetico San Antonio, our commercial and residential water softening equipment installations range from single occupant homes all the way to systems with a demand as high as 100 gallons per minute. We also work with a lot of families that are on private well water, generally outside the city. In some of these instances, we installed a carbon filtration tank along with the softener to improve the quality of water.
When contacted, we generally schedule an appointment with the business owner or homeowner for an evaluation. At this appointment we do a plumbing audit to give the customer an idea of what would be entailed in a water softening equipment installation. We then test the water to see what kind of water problems they are dealing with and discuss what their needs are, and from there we can make a recommendation and give them a quote for the equipment and installation.
Interested in a new water softener? Call Kinetico today!