
water going down a drain of a kitchen sink

How To Conserve Water At Home

People worldwide are looking for ways to reduce their water footprint. Conserving water saves you money on your monthly utility bill and changes how you view the world. Our planet has a limited supply of water, so it’s essential to

gloved hands attempting to use a sponge to clean hard water residue from a sink

How to Remove Hard Water Buildup in Your Home

Hard water is a problem for many Texas residents. When you have hard water, your home supply contains high amounts of minerals, such as calcium, limestone or magnesium. The substance isn’t a health risk, but it can leave buildup around

a red coffee machine pouring coffee into a white mug

How Water Softeners Protect Coffee Machines

Did you know that the water quality in your area can negatively affect your appliances? If you identify as an avid coffee drinker, safeguarding your coffee machine is undoubtedly essential to you. Here at Kinetico San Antonio, we strive to

woman washing dish with hard water

When Should A Water Softener Be Replaced?

Here in San Antonio, we have a hard water problem, but did you know that water softeners can help fight it? If you already have a water softener, you may not know when it should be replaced. The rule of

clean water in San Antonio home

5 Benefits Of Filtered Water 

If you’re concerned with the quality of your home’s water supply or you’re unsure whether your home even needs a water filtration system, Kinetico San Antonio can help. Our team is here to educate homeowners on the benefits of installing

soft water coming from shower

What’s The Difference Between Hard and Soft Water?

Did you know the quality of your water can massively affect the quality of your health and home? Soft and hard water are the two types of water that can significantly affect your home services and yourself. We want to

filtered water being poured in cup

Are Water Filters Good For The Environment?

How much water do you drink a day? Do you prefer bottled water or filtered? What if you found out one was better than the other?  Kinetico San Antonio is here to explain to you why filtered water is better

water quality in home tap water

What’s REALLY In Your Water?

Tap water from your pipes comes from many different sources across the US. It’s important that you have the right filter systems so your water is safe to drink. Although there are systems that filter the water before it runs

water softener system in home

Seasonal Maintenance For Your Water Softener

Although winters in San Antonio are typically mild, we’re no strangers to freezing temperatures. While you may already know to cover your pipes or seal any cracks, your water softener system requires the same kind of attention and care. What