
lady showing her clear skin and silky hair after using a kinetico water softener

Tips for Shiny Summer Hair 

Spring just started, but come on – it’s Texas. We all know summer is just around the corner! It’s almost that time to lounge around the pool and beach, showing off that soft skin, killer smile, polished nails and shiny,

woman applying lotion to her clear skin

How to Prepare my Skin for Warmer Weather

Look out – warmer weather is on its way! Spring and summer are right around the corner. That means it’s time to prepare your skin for warmer weather and get ready to show off your healthy skin with confidence! 4 Tips

water that is overflowing out of a glass

How to Tell If You’re Drinking Enough Water

When it comes to filling up on fluids, drinking water is something most people just don’t do enough. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be hard to keep track of the number of ounces of water

leaking faucet that being poured into a bowl

How Water Gets to Your Home

Turning on the faucet for a glass of water or jumping into a hot shower are both mindless things we do every day – but have you ever stopped to wonder how that water makes it to your home? It’s

woman drinking a glass of water on a snowy winter day

Four Reasons to Drink Water in Colder Months

Many people consider summer to be the months with the greatest threat of dehydration, but winter—and the cold that comes along with it—are a subtler, more nefarious villain in your body’s battle against dehydration. Four reasons to drink water in

two margaritas ready to be drank. with cranberry juice and lime

4 Holiday Water Infusions to Serve at Your Party

This time of the year is busy for everyone. Christmas shopping needs to be done, and stores always seem to have lines that run around the corner and to the back. Even though the holidays seem stressful, something to look

lady that is drinking water at home while sitting on her couch smiling

How Drinking Water is the Ultimate Skin Cleanser

Drink Water For Healthier Skin Winter is just about one of the worst things nature can inflict on your skin. Dry air and harsh, cold temperatures will draw all of the moisture from your skin, causing flaky red patches, dryness

woman with frizzy hair due to hard water build up

Is Dry Shampoo Good for You?

Life is stressful. Hair is stressful. Hair makes life stressful. One day, you’re up before sunrise, enjoying a balanced breakfast, brushing back your silky, luscious locks into the most pristine ponytail. The next, you’ve snoozed through nine alarms and are

woman drinking water with a bathroom tile back drop

The Surprising Way to Fight Dry Skin

Try this simple tip to keep your skin hydrated. Winter is coming, and, as much as we would like to think we are prepared, Game of Thrones did not warn us about dry skin. As the weather gets cooler, our