
woman posing on a coutry side hill

Hair and Skin Care for Fall

Fall Beauty Tips Today is the first day of fall, and that means it’s time to plan for hair and skin health in the colder weather. Fall and winter are notorious for leaving you with dry, cracked skin and dull,

coffee machine placed on a granite counter top

How to Clean Hard Water Residue From Your Coffee Maker

Combat Calcium Deposits: Coffee Maker Cleaning Tips For many people, a morning cup of coffee is essential! The right cup of joe gives you the necessary energy for a productive day. However, if your coffee maker has been in use

natural hard water cleaners

Three Things to Avoid Cleaning With Vinegar

Water And Vinegar: Is It A Universal Cleaning Solution? Vinegar has long been hailed as a natural solution for household cleaning. After all, this chemical-free and inexpensive option is safer than many store-bought chemicals. Additionally, vinegar won’t do any damage

woman popping a pimple on her forehead in the mirror

Can Hard Water Cause Acne?

Achieve Softer Skin With Soft Water From Kinetico San Antonio You’ve changed your diet, cleansers and sleep schedule. You’ve limited your stress to a minimum, yet you’re still dealing with those annoying breakouts! This situation can be frustrating, but it

towels that are ready to be used by the shower

How Soft Water Affects Laundry

Understanding Soft Water Benefits In San Antonio, TX The benefits of soft water are endless and diverse! These advantages range from soft skin and shiny hair to clean dishes and longer-lasting appliances. However, one of the standout benefits of soft