
shower head with hard water build up all over it

Is Tap Water Really That Bad For My Hair and Skin?

One of our daily routines is cleansing our body, hair and skin. There’s no way to get around it. But using tap water can be a leading factor into why your hair and skin is dry and harsh. Here are

water being tested for hardness

Should You Test Your Water at Home?

Water plays a very important role in our lives. It is important to know that the water you are consuming and using daily is safe for your body, skin and hair. Conducting a simple home water test could be doing

freshly brewed coffee that is still steaming

Tips for Brewing the Best Coffee

Coffee is the fuel people everywhere need to get started in the morning. Coffee has been energizing people’s lives since it was first discovered centuries ago, and by the 17th century it had begun to replace beer and wine as

woman looking away with a colorful design in the background

Fall Skin Care

Now that summer is nearing its end, fall is finally approaching! It’s time to replenish and freshen up our skin after days spent in the sun. There are so many useful options and different routes that you can take, but

hard and and eczema

Can Soft Water Relieve Eczema?

Eczema is a dry skin condition where the infected skin becomes itchy, red, inflamed and rough. The condition is very common: it affects 20% of children aged up to 11 years old and 8% of teenagers and adults, according to

woman shopping for shampoo at a store

Different Types of Shampoo

Have you ever found yourself wondering what all these different types of shampoos are and what they consist of? How do you know which shampoo is best for your curly, straight, dry, oily or shiny hair? Finding the perfect shampoo

woman finding out about the affects of hard water on her hair

4 Ways to Eliminate Split Ends

Split ends are unavoidable. The longer the hair and the older the ends, the more likely you are to have them. The daily wear and tear on your hair can be rough and trying on your roots and ends. Switching

woman that just got out of a shower using soft water

4 Reasons Water Quality Is Important For Skin Care

The journey to good skin care is cluttered with many myths and urban legends about what does and doesn’t work for this-or-that reason. You could venture on a life-long, wild goose chase full of oils, pastes, creams and butters and

kinetico water softening system that is ready to be installed in a san antonio garage

What Size Grain Water Softener Do I Need?

I always thought water came in one of two ways: salt or drinking. You drank the pure and sunbathed by the rest. Right? Wrong. Your household water supply – what you cook, clean and bathe in – can either be