
chlorine test strip being used in a san antonio pool

Chlorine In Your Water Supply Can Cause Problems

Water companies use disinfectants, like chlorine and chloroform, to filter and remove harmful bacteria in your drinking water. It’s advocated as a cost-efficient way to decontaminate and keep your household safe. While this holds truth, chlorine does not come with

water flowing from a kitchen sink faucet

Is Tap Water Safe to Drink?

It’s not uncommon for some people to have a bit of apprehension when it comes to drinking water straight from the tap. With cities like Flint, Michigan’s water being completely undrinkable, it makes sense you want to make sure the

granulated table salt being poured out onto a table

4 Myths About Water Softeners

If you don’t know much about water softeners or how they work, it can be easy to believe some of the myths out there. At Kinetico San Antonio, we think it’s important to inform our customers and debunk these myths

pouring a glass of water from the tap

Is Reverse Osmosis Water Good For You?

So what exactly is “reverse osmosis?” According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “reverse osmosis is the movement of freshwater through a semipermeable membrane when pressure is applied to a solution (such as seawater) on one side of it,” – or, in

blue ocean waves with the suns rays on them

4 Best Songs About Water

No matter the kind, it’s not difficult to find music about good ol’ water. Water is a necessity for life, so why not write songs about it? All of the songs below use water as either a force to reckon

woman showing the camera a glass of filtered purified water

Do Water Pitcher Filters Actually Work?

Water: the liquid of life. People tend to take clean water for granted. Contaminants such as lead, chlorine and more can be infused in the water from your tap. So what do you do to get rid of the contaminants?

boiling water for cooking purposes

Does Boiling Water Really Purify It?

Water is sourced from all different locations: faucet, bottle, stream, pond, cloud. It’s a renewable resource and vital to human survival. We use it to bathe, cleanse and nourish, among other things. Ironically, if the water used to survive is

plactice bottles waiting to be recycled

Bottled Water vs Tap Water

Since the beginning of time, there have been rivals. Cane vs Abel, Coca-Cola vs Pepsi, and, especially here in Texas, BBQ sauce vs no BBQ sauce. The rival between tap and bottled water is no exception. So we’ve provided some

water bottle with a measuring tape and towels next to it after a workout

4 Ways to Stay Healthy in the New Year

New Year’s resolutions are something most people think about as they head into the new year. Making healthy habits is a very popular goal to have. Here at Kinetico San Antonio, we’ve come up with four great ways for you